Airlines - EgyptAir - A trip report from Kuwait to Cairo

Information about the journey 
Carrier: Egypt Air 
Flight number: MSR 611 
Flight date: 03/22/2013 
Class of travel: tourist 
Take-off date of Kuwait (local time): 1:45 pm 
Flight duration: three hours 
Type of aircraft: boeing 737-800 
Seat No.: 25A Window Seat 
Ride height: 37,000 feet 
Runway: 33R 
Runway: 23C

Kuwait Airport

to the gate

Kuwait Air A300

our plane

After entering the plane 
The seat above the wing exactly 
In the image plane Jazeera Airways A320

Another picture showing Emirates A330

Jazeera Airways after pushback


Start moving

During taxi

After take-off

 The take-off was good
left bank

The cabin during climb

Lunch was meat with pasta or rice with chicken ... I chose rice with chicken

We started to approach the Cairo International Airport

Seconds before the touch-down


Terminal 3 the new EgyptAir and Star Alliance members

1 comment:

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